Well, I hope that you all had a wonderful new year. I know that we did. We have gotten to hang out a lot with friends and family and that is so much fun. I have really enjoyed having my husband all to myself as well, with NO school. I only have two more weeks of this, so I'm going to try enjoy every minute of it.
The most exciting thing that has been going on is that we have a new rodent, I mean pet. I want you to try to picture this with me. Sometime last week when we got home in the evening I went into the kitchen and turned on the light and shrieked. This is what went through my head "It's a rat! No it's not a rat. It has hair on it's tail. It's a mouse! No, it's not a mouse, it's a squirrel. Oh my it's a flying squirrel!" So, I ran out of the kitchen and jumped on the couch with Carter and sent Casey in. I gave Casey a box and told him NOT TO KILL IT, but try to catch it and we would put it outside. I then here Casey screaming as well. The squirrel and evaded him, run over his foot, ran straight through the living room where Carter and I were perched on the couch and ran up the chimney. Needless to say, we were all a little shook up. Then began to laugh at how scared the squirrel must have felt. Since then he has come out several times to say hi and we have tried to catch him to no avail. He is very sneaky. We have tried to chase him out the door with a broom, block the chimney while another person chases him out. It never works. He always makes it back up the chimney. We figure he lives up there. We thought at first that maybe he was stuck and needed food, so we left bits of food which he sneakily retrieved. I don't think he's stuck at all. I think he is very happy with his new home. I talked to someone at work about it and she brought me a little live trap to catch him. This is what it looks like before we all go to bed.
And this is what it looks like in the morning. No acorns, No squirrel, and the trap unsprung.
This is not an actual picture of our new "pet". We have been too busy running from him or trying to catch him, but this is what he looks like.

So it appears that we have a new pet until he decides to find a new home. Hope you all get a laugh from my silly story and if anyone has any non killing, squirrel catching tips let us know.
Lord bless, Hannah
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