Monday, December 28, 2009

Not me! Monday

So, last week was Christmas week and I had a wonderful time with family and friends, and I hope you all did as well.  Christmas pictures will be coming soon.  So stay tuned...

When I would go out and run errands last week, no I did NOT tell my son I was getting more "pessants" so he wouldn't fuss when I left.

No, I definitely did not take a present to my in-laws that my son had semi-unwrapped in it's pitiful state.  Nope, not me!!

I most certainly did not take my 3 month old son to a 10:30 pm movie on Christmas night because I wanted to have  a little fun.  And there's no way that I wore my pjs to afore mentioned movie.  Not Me!!

When we got home from Christmas my husband and I most certainly did not hide my older son's gifts, because we didn't want to put them together yet.  What horrible parents--Not us!

My husband has been out of school for about a week now, and I have been wanting to have some good hang out time with him, but he loves to read all the time and there is absolutely no way that I would ask him not to read for a few days, so that he would spend time with me.  That's so selfish- Not Me!!

I got photoshop CS4 for Christmas and I would surely not neglect my children, because I want to play around and learn all kind of cool stuff.  No, Not Me!!

Well, I hope you all enjoyed my Not Me post this week.  This is the first one that I have done and I will try to do more in the future.  If you also would like to do a Not Me! Monday post just follow this link to McMama's Blog and join in the fun.

In Christ, Hannah

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Tackiest Christmas Ever

We had a tacky sweater Christmas party this past week and it was so fun.  I think that everyone that came had a wonderful time.  I (plus my sister and mom) made chicken spaghetti, salad, and french bread and we had all kind of desserts.  Last year we did a gingerbread decorating contest and everyone loved it so we did it again this year. Here are some pictures of our tackiness for you all to enjoy.

These are some of our precious high school girls

This is Heather getting rejected by Carter. Hah!

Here are Casey and Stephen and Heather being goofy

Here my second sister Hope with her boyfriend, Corey

Shannon and AJ

Charlie and Elizabeth

Hope and Emily

My mom and dad

Ivy and Elizabeth

Stephen and Morgan

Joseph and Stephen being TOO friendly

They 80s are back!

And here is one supremely tacky family

The best one of the four of us and Jude is spitting up all over the place. Gross.  The story of my life.  :-)

Lovely ladies

This just cracks me up.

Making gingerbread houses

My dad made yummy lattes for everyone. They were so good! Better than starbucks if you ask me

Love you daddy! What a good sport you are

This is the double wide Christmas trailer in the making

This is what Carter looked like at the end of the evening.  This poor kid. Does he even have a mother?

The three teams' houses.  The winner was the Wood's house.  Tiger Woods to be exact.  It was pretty funny.  It's the one all the way to the right.  The lovely blond there in front had a bat.

Well, that was our fun this week.  I'm enjoying my clean house and Christmas decorations and sweet boys. Casey has finals this next week, so I am definitely looking forward to some quality time with him.  He's my best friend and I miss him. :-) Good thing we get to spend the rest of our lives together.

Hope yall had a great week as well.  

God bless, Hannah

Monday, December 7, 2009

"It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year"

It's hard to believe that Christmas is here already.  The years seem to be flying by.  This year I get to celebrate with three boys.  I'm extremely outnumbered, but no worries. I'm pretty spoiled!.  I have been Christmas shopping like a mad woman this year, primarily on the internet, and I just love it.  It is so easy and I can spend way too much money very fast.  Hah!!

I wanted to post a few pictures of my house that is all pretty and decorated for Christmas.  We are having a Christmas party at our house for the first time since we have lived in this house, so it's exciting and I want the house to be beautiful and festive.  

This is my centerpiece on my table

This is on the sideboard in the kitchen

This is my big helper hard at work
(eating his peanut butter)

My other big helper

This week we have two Christmas parties, so this is a fun time.  I have to go and find a tacky sweater for our Christmas party, so that should be fun.  I will be sure to put pictures up.

I have so much to be thankful for this season. I have such a wonderful family, wonderful kids, a husband that puts up with all of my imperfections, and a savior who loves me unconditionally.  Most of all this season we need to remember that we are celebrating Christ's birth.  Christmas is not in the Bible, but the birth of Christ is and we can celebrate Jesus' birth, life, death, and resurrection.  So, let's not get too caught up in all the shopping and getting of gifts, let's slow down and contemplate the true reason for the season.  We all have so much to be thankful for.  The Lord is so gracious and merciful to us, far beyond what we could think or deserve.  He is the one and only GIFT that anyone could need or want.  The gift of life everlasting.

John 6:35-40 35Then Jesus declared, "I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty. 36But as I told you, you have seen me and still you do not believe. 37All that the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away. 38For I have come down from heaven not to do my will but to do the will of him who sent me. 39And this is the will of him who sent me, that I shall lose none of all that he has given me, but raise them up at the last day. 40For my Father's will is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in him shall have eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day."

Lord bless, Hannah