So, last week was Christmas week and I had a wonderful time with family and friends, and I hope you all did as well. Christmas pictures will be coming soon. So stay tuned...
When I would go out and run errands last week, no I did NOT tell my son I was getting more "pessants" so he wouldn't fuss when I left.
No, I definitely did not take a present to my in-laws that my son had semi-unwrapped in it's pitiful state. Nope, not me!!
I most certainly did not take my 3 month old son to a 10:30 pm movie on Christmas night because I wanted to have a little fun. And there's no way that I wore my pjs to afore mentioned movie. Not Me!!
When we got home from Christmas my husband and I most certainly did not hide my older son's gifts, because we didn't want to put them together yet. What horrible parents--Not us!
My husband has been out of school for about a week now, and I have been wanting to have some good hang out time with him, but he loves to read all the time and there is absolutely no way that I would ask him not to read for a few days, so that he would spend time with me. That's so selfish- Not Me!!
I got photoshop CS4 for Christmas and I would surely not neglect my children, because I want to play around and learn all kind of cool stuff. No, Not Me!!
Well, I hope you all enjoyed my Not Me post this week. This is the first one that I have done and I will try to do more in the future. If you also would like to do a Not Me! Monday post just follow this link to McMama's Blog and join in the fun.
In Christ, Hannah