Wednesday, October 3, 2012


We had a our first interview with our social worker at LBCH and we just love her.  She is going to be awesome.  We pretty much shared our life stories with her.  The good, the bad, and the ugly.  I think that it went well and we broadened our horizons on what sort of little girl the Lord might have for us.  I always thought that I wanted a baby and a healthy child, but the Lord may have other plans in store.  We upped our age to 2 years old and said that we were ok with physical impairments that can be fixed with surgery such as club feet, and hands.  We just want to be open and we know that since Carter, our oldest, was born with a club foot, and I worked at Shriner's for four years, that we may be uniquely prepared for such. We have another interview on October 8th for our home safety inspection and Casey and Carter will be interviewed at this time.  Please, pray for Carter. There's no telling what he might say.  hahaha.  

We have raised around $1000 dollars so far and are so thankful for that.  We are mailing in our first payment to our agency in the morning. Thank you to all who supported us in buying shirts and bracelets.  Next is our phone interview with Lifeline.  We do not have this scheduled yet, but are very excited to get things rolling with them.  

Continue to lift our family up in prayer as we continue down this winding road.  Trusting the Lord at every turn.  

Casey and Hannah Hough